Bamboo Treehouse in Colombia
This Guadua bamboo treehouse by Colombian Architect Jaime Peña is the result of a simple bamboo dollhouse inquiry that got way, way out of hand...
Bamboo Cannons
In the Philippines, you can find gigantic bamboo plants deep within the tropical jungles, mountains, and even near the rice paddies. Many Filipinos use this bamboo to make "Kerosene Bamboo Cannons", which they use as an alternative to firecrackers, during Christmas and the New Year.
Bamboo Steering Wheel
After their unique premium sound system made from bamboo charcoal, bamboo fibre and resin, Lexus has now revealed their newest invention: the Bamboo Steering Wheel!
How to Make a Bamboo Chair
In this DIY tutorial we'll show you how to make a bamboo chair with very basic hand tools and without the use of any metal nails or screws.
Corrugated Bamboo Roofing Sheets
Imagine if all Central and South American homes, offices and sheds would use corrugated roofs made from bamboo instead of zinc or plastic, and imagine if all these roofs were produced from locally available native bamboo forests and plantations.
How to Make a Bamboo Bed
In this DIY tutorial we'll show you how to make a bamboo bed with very basic hand tools and without the use of any metal nails or screws.
How to Split Bamboo Poles
Splitting bamboo poles, is another basic technique when working with bamboo. Split bamboo is often used in bamboo fences, wall decoration, furniture, etc. The applications are endless and it basically all depends on your own creativity.
How to Bend Bamboo Poles
Bending bamboo, isn't that difficult. In case of freshly cut, green bamboo you could even dry bamboo in a mold to adjust the shape, or by applying heat. However, once dry, bamboo cannot be bend anymore (in a permanent lasting shape that is), unless you apply a special technique that we explain in this article!
Bamboo Polo Balls
Bamboo polo balls where made and used during most of the 20th century, as they were stronger than wooden balls. They originate from India where the first polo club was established in 1833.
Bamboo Cables
Marco Polo was the first to reveal the domestic value and importance of bamboo to the Western World trough his historic travels in Asia. Among many other discoveries, he described how the Chinese used and manufactured bamboo cables for towing boats.
How to Make a Bamboo Didgeridoo
Although it is widely assumed that the original Australian aboriginal didgeridoos where made from termite hollowed eucalyptus wood, traditionally it is suggested that the first didgeridoos were in fact made from bamboo.
Wind Powered Bamboo Minesweeper
Afghani designer Massoud Hassani invented a wind powered bamboo minesweeper that can potentially save thousands of lives. Mine Kafon is a revolutionary landmine clearer/detonator that is very cheap to make.
Electric Powered Bamboo Tricycle
Can this electric powered bamboo tricycle provide solutions to traffic congestion and air pollution in China? British expats are hoping to ease traffic congestion, parking and pollution problems with their new eco-friendly "Bamboo Treecycle" invention which is proving to be a big hit.
Environmental Impact of Guadua Bamboo
Bamboo forests have many environmental benefits because they function as carbon sinks, produce oxygen, control soil erosion, provide organic matter, regulate water levels in watersheds and conserve biodiversity.
Common Bamboo Names
Landscapers, gardeners and garden books, frequently use common bamboo names to refer to popular bamboos. To help you find corresponding botanical names, the following list includes some of the most common bamboo names used in the United States and their botanical equivalents.
Guadua Bamboo Growing Habits
In order to analyze annual stem production and yield projections for a bamboo plantation, it is important to understand how bamboo grows. Since bamboo is a type of grass, the growth and formation of a bamboo forest or plantation is very different than that of trees.
Bamboo Insect Infestation
Untreated bamboo, just like almost any other wood, has a high chance of being attacked by insects. Bamboo insect infestation occurs due to the presence of starch and other carbohydrates. Insects obtain their food supply from the bamboo and degrade it.
Mechanical Properties of Bamboo
What are the mechanical properties of bamboo? It is usually the first question European or American architects, engineers and builders ask us when they are considering bamboo for their next project.
How to Remove Bamboo Mold
The forming of mold, spores and mildew on the surface of bamboo canes is not uncommon, especially when bamboo is not 100% dry, or when products are shipped internationally in ocean freight containers.
When and How to Harvest Bamboo
Timing plays a crucial role when harvesting bamboo poles. As a matter of fact, knowing when and how to harvest bamboo has been one of the most important and traditional bamboo preservation methods in areas with smaller resources.