Leaching Bamboo
Storing bamboo in water or "leaching bamboo" is a traditional bamboo preservation method, used by indigenous communities and farmers of several Asian and Latin American regions. In Latin America it has been the tradition to transport bamboo from the mountain and jungle areas towards the urban centers by means of bamboo rafts.
Chemical Bamboo Preservation
Chemical preservation (with or without the help of special equipment) ensures long term protection. Depending upon the method of bamboo treatment, chemical preservatives can impart short term or long term protection.
Drying Bamboo Poles
Drying bamboo poles requires more time than wood of similar density. This because bamboo possess hygroscopic materials (compound that easily absorbs moisture) that may contain 50-60% moisture content, depending on the felling season, area of growth and species.
Guadua Bamboo Soil Requirements
Choosing the optimal soil to grow Guadua bamboo is one of the most important determinants for success or failure of a commercial Guadua bamboo plantation.
Guadua Bamboo Climate Requirements
Optimal climate conditions to grow Guadua bamboo together with soil properties will determine to a large extent whether the development of a commercial bamboo plantation will be successful or not.
Guadua Bamboo vs Teak Plantations
Teak plantations vs Guadua bamboo plantations, which of the two is the best and safest investment if it comes to reforestation and tree farming in the tropics?
How To Plant Bamboo
Knowing how to plant bamboo correctly, will help you establish a healthier crop and improved productivity on your bamboo farm or plantation. The distance between the plants will determine what size bamboo poles you may expect in the future.
How to Grow Bamboo Cuttings
Growing bamboo cuttings is a very popular bamboo propagation methods because it's fast, simple, economical, and it doesn't require a lot of space.
Bamboo Rhizome Propagation
Bamboo rhizome propagation or offset propagation is a traditional vegetative propagation method, and perhaps the most commonly used propagation technique for bamboo. However, it is only practicable for cultivating a few clumps due to the extensive labor and cost this technique requires.
Bamboo Investment Scams Exposed!
Thinking about investing in bamboo plantations? Great, but after reading this article about bamboo investment scams and lease plans you might want to re-think your options...
Neololeba atra
Neololeba atra also known as Long Pipe Bamboo or New Guinea Thin-walled Bamboo is a tropical clumping bamboo originating from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. This bamboo species is often used for basket making and other handicrafts.
Dendrocalamus membranaceus
Dendrocalamus membranaceus also known as Waya Bamboo and formerly classified as Bambusa membranacea is a medium-sized tropical clumping bamboo originating from Southeast Asia. This bamboo species is a good source for paper pulp and has edible shoots.
Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata'
Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata' or Painted Bamboo, (previously known as Bambusa vulgaris 'Striata') is a giant tropical and subtropical clumping bamboo native to China and Japan. It is one of the most cultivated ornamental bamboos in the tropical world.
Bambusa vulgaris 'Wamin'
Bambusa vulgaris 'Wamin' or Dwarf Buddha Belly Bamboo is a tropical and subtropical clumping bamboo native to South China.
Types of Bamboo Rhizomes
The bamboo rhizome is the underground part of a bamboo stem (culm). However, rhizomes are not roots, roots grow under the rhizome and culms erect on top of the rhizome.
Bamboo Stem Anatomy
The stem is the part of the bamboo plant that grows above the ground, it is usually straight and cylinder-formed (to some extent oval). These bamboo stems have nodes (diaphragms) between two internodes, that strengthen the stem.
PANACA Agricultural Theme Park
PANACA is a farming theme park in Costa Rica. Apart from the nearly 2,000 animals living on the farm, it also features some spectacular bamboo architecture.
Bamboo House Playa Sombrero
This beautiful Guadua bamboo house in Costa Rica, is located near Playa Sombrero at the Osa Peninsula. The bamboo house was designed and built by Costa Rican architect Mariela Garcia and her husband Steve Jurries.
Comparing Mechanical Properties of Bamboo: Guadua vs Moso
In 2010, the Larenstein University in The Netherlands performed an interesting study comparing mechanical properties of bamboo. Guadua and Moso, which are the best and most common bamboos for industrial processing, were used in this research report.
Guadua Bamboo House San Jeronimo
This stunning bamboo house was designed and build by Martin Coto and is located in the small town of San Jeronimo, Moravia, Costa Rica. Martin is an expert bamboo designer and builder with over 30 years experience on a national and international level.