Bamboo Genera
All 139 bamboo genera are listed here. Learn more about the different types of bamboo and their typical growth habits, origin and optimal climate conditions.

The genus Cephalostachyum is a primitive tropical and subtropical bamboo. Species of this bamboo grow in dense clumps with thin-walled weak culms.

Bamboo species of the genus Chimonobambusa are running bamboos with swollen nodes that bear thorns in many species, they have 3 branches at the nodes.

Bamboo species of the genus Dendrocalamus are large clump-forming subtropical bamboos with large branches and leaves, and are usually tick-walled. Most species prefer high humidity and mountain areas.

Gigantochloa is a tropical genus of giant clumping bamboo, similar to the genus Bambusa. Bamboo species of this genus grow native in South and South-East Asia: Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Philippines, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China, India, and Bangladesh.

Bamboos species of the genus Himalayacalamus are temperate mountain clumping bamboos. They are found growing at lower altitudes of the Himalaya; India, Nepal, Bhutan, and China.

Bamboo species of the genus Indocalamus are native to China, Japan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. The name Indocalamus derives from the Latin words "indo", of India (in its ancient sense: extending from the East Indies to China), and "calamus" (Greek: kalamos) reed.

Phyllostachys comes from 'phyllon', meaning leaf, and 'stachys', meaning spike. In China, where this bamboo grows native, it is also called Gangzhu Shu, meaning firm bamboo genus.

20 bamboo species are currently assigned to the genus Pseudosasa. These bamboos are small to medium running bamboo, originating in Japan, China, and Korea.

Bamboo species of the genus Schizostachyum are tall or shrub-like tropical clumping, and sometimes climbing bamboos. They grow native in the tropical and subtropical regions from Madagascar to the Pacific Islands with South-East Asia as the centre of distribution.

Semiarundinaria is a genus of tall or shrubby running bamboos. The species are found in temperate and subtropical regions of China and Japan.

Thamnocalamus is a genus of clumping bamboo. The generic name, derives from the Greek "thamnos" (thicket, shrubbery), and "kalamos" (Latinised "calamus", reed, cane), referring to the habit of the species.