Corrugated Bamboo Roofing Sheets
Uses of Bamboo Stéphane Schröder Uses of Bamboo Stéphane Schröder

Corrugated Bamboo Roofing Sheets

Imagine if all Central and South American homes, offices and sheds would use corrugated roofs made from bamboo instead of zinc or plastic, and imagine if all these roofs were produced from locally available native bamboo forests and plantations.

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How to Split Bamboo Poles
Working with Bamboo Stéphane Schröder Working with Bamboo Stéphane Schröder

How to Split Bamboo Poles

Splitting bamboo poles, is another basic technique when working with bamboo. Split bamboo is often used in bamboo fences, wall decoration, furniture, etc. The applications are endless and it basically all depends on your own creativity.

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How to Bend Bamboo Poles
Working with Bamboo Stéphane Schröder Working with Bamboo Stéphane Schröder

How to Bend Bamboo Poles

Bending bamboo, isn't that difficult. In case of freshly cut, green bamboo you could even dry bamboo in a mold to adjust the shape, or by applying heat. However, once dry, bamboo cannot be bend anymore (in a permanent lasting shape that is), unless you apply a special technique that we explain in this article!

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Bamboo Polo Balls
Uses of Bamboo Stéphane Schröder Uses of Bamboo Stéphane Schröder

Bamboo Polo Balls

Bamboo polo balls where made and used during most of the 20th century, as they were stronger than wooden balls. They originate from India where the first polo club was established in 1833.

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Bamboo Cables
Uses of Bamboo Stéphane Schröder Uses of Bamboo Stéphane Schröder

Bamboo Cables

Marco Polo was the first to reveal the domestic value and importance of bamboo to the Western World trough his historic travels in Asia. Among many other discoveries, he described how the Chinese used and manufactured bamboo cables for towing boats.

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Electric Powered Bamboo Tricycle
Uses of Bamboo Stéphane Schröder Uses of Bamboo Stéphane Schröder

Electric Powered Bamboo Tricycle

Can this electric powered bamboo tricycle provide solutions to traffic congestion and air pollution in China? British expats are hoping to ease traffic congestion, parking and pollution problems with their new eco-friendly "Bamboo Treecycle" invention which is proving to be a big hit.

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Common Bamboo Names
Bamboo Identification Stéphane Schröder Bamboo Identification Stéphane Schröder

Common Bamboo Names

Landscapers, gardeners and garden books, frequently use common bamboo names to refer to popular bamboos. To help you find corresponding botanical names, the following list includes some of the most common bamboo names used in the United States and their botanical equivalents.

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Bamboo Insect Infestation
Bamboo Preservation Stéphane Schröder Bamboo Preservation Stéphane Schröder

Bamboo Insect Infestation

Untreated bamboo, just like almost any other wood, has a high chance of being attacked by insects. Bamboo insect infestation occurs due to the presence of starch and other carbohydrates. Insects obtain their food supply from the bamboo and degrade it.

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Leaching Bamboo
Bamboo Preservation Stéphane Schröder Bamboo Preservation Stéphane Schröder

Leaching Bamboo

Storing bamboo in water or "leaching bamboo" is a traditional bamboo preservation method, used by indigenous communities and farmers of several Asian and Latin American regions. In Latin America it has been the tradition to transport bamboo from the mountain and jungle areas towards the urban centers by means of bamboo rafts.

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Drying Bamboo Poles
Bamboo Preservation Stéphane Schröder Bamboo Preservation Stéphane Schröder

Drying Bamboo Poles

Drying bamboo poles requires more time than wood of similar density. This because bamboo possess hygroscopic materials (compound that easily absorbs moisture) that may contain 50-60% moisture content, depending on the felling season, area of growth and species.

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