Bamboo Species of Costa Rica
Costa Rica is the country with the largest woody bamboo diversity in Central America. At present, 8 genera and 39 species of woody bamboos are reported.
Bamboo Species of Ecuador
Ecuador, for its size, possesses an impressive diversity of woody bamboos. Up to the present, 6 genera and 42 species have been identified (11 endemics ones), with about 15 species remaining to be described.
Bamboo Species of El Salvador
El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America, and it has the highest deforestation and overpopulation. Some of the 11 bamboo species reported in the country might not exist anymore.
Bamboo Species of Guatemala
Guatemala is a country with many species of native woody bamboos, the majority of them belonging to the genus Chusquea and the rest to the genera Arthrostylidium, Guadua, Otatea and Rhipidocladum.
Bamboo Species of Guyana
Bamboo resources in Guyana (French Guyana, Guyana and Surinam) are unimportant to the local economy. Some ethnobotanical uses -- such as for making lances, bows, arrowheads, arrow shafts, knives and fishing harpoons -- have been reported by the indigenous people.
Bamboo Species of Honduras
From the 11 native woody bamboo species occurring in Honduras, only 4, besides several Asiatic ones, have economic potential. Otatea fimbriata, Guadua amplexifolia, Guadua aculeata and Guadua paniculata are the native bamboos that can be promoted as useful in environmental protection and in economic activities.
Bamboo Species of Mexico
Mexico is the second most diverse country in America in terms of woody bamboos. At present, 8 genera and 37 species are reported with one genus, Olmeca, and 14 species being endemic.
Bamboo Species of Nicaragua
Nicaragua is a country with relatively few species of native bamboos but with widespread Guadua species covering the eastern alluvial plains. The genus Guadua includes four species: Guadua amplexifolia, Guadua aculeata, Guadua macclurei and Guadua paniculata.
Bamboo Species of Panama
In Panama, bamboo is scarcely used as an economic plant. However, Panama is the third richest country in woody bamboo diversity in Central America: 43% of its species belong to the genus Chusquea, and the rest belong to the genera Arthrostylidium, Aulonemia, Elytrostachys, Guadua, Neurolepis and Rhipidocladum.
Bamboo Species of Paraguay
Bamboo is scarcely used in Paraguay for economic activities and does not form a large resource. There are 3 Guadua species present in Paraguay with potential uses: Guadua chacoensis (tacuar), Guadua paniculata and Guadua paraguayana (picanilla).
Bamboo Species of Peru
Bamboo resources in Peru are abundant and could represent a large potential supply. Some efforts have been made by the government to develop bamboo resources, especially in the Amazon region.
Bamboo Species of Uruguay
Bamboo resources in Uruguay are scarce. There is only one useful bamboo species, Guadua trinii, which is sometimes found growing along the forest banks of River Uruguay and its tributaries, in the department of Rio Negro.
Bamboo Species of Venezuela
Venezuela has the third highest woody bamboo diversity in Latin America. At present 10 genera and 60 species, 18 of them endemics, are reported with several species remaining to be described.
Bamboo Joints and Joinery Techniques
How to join bamboo and what are the best bamboo joints? Well first of, it is important to know a few basics principles about joining bamboo before discussing the different joinery techniques.
Timarai Bamboo Beach Resort
Timarai Bamboo Beach Resort in Costa Rica (was) a great example of green architecture. The use of 100% eco friendly building materials and the adaptation to its natural surroundings (not the other way around) made this bamboo construction project a unique reference point in the region.
Advantages of Building with Bamboo
The main advantages of building with bamboo is that it is a wonderful, natural and renewable resource, capable of rapid growth that can avoid future deforestation of our precious tropical rainforests.