Bamboo Species of Guyana
Written By Stéphane Schröder
8 genera, 13 species

Bamboo resources in Guyana (French Guyana, Guyana and Surinam) are unimportant to the local economy. Some ethnobotanical uses -- such as for making lances, bows, arrowheads, arrow shafts, knives and fishing harpoons -- have been reported by the indigenous people.
The most promising species are found in the genus Guadua, namely Guadua latifolia, Guadua macrostachya, Guadua weberbaueri and Guadua glomerata.
Other uses of bamboo in this region are limited to minor uses such as tools and small implements for fishing and hunting, and as a medicinal plant.
Native Bamboo Species of Guyana
Species | Diameter | Height |
Arthrostylidium scandens | ∅ 9 mm | ⇑ 8 m |
Arthrostylidium venezuelae | ∅ 30 mm | ⇑ 10 m |
Aulonemia deflexa | ∅ 5 mm | ⇑ 1,5 m |
Chusquea linearis | ||
Guadua glomerata | ∅ 45 mm | ⇑ 12 m |
Guadua latifolia | ∅ 70 mm | ⇑ 11 m |
Guadua macrostachya | ∅ 70 mm | ⇑ 18 m |
Guadua weberbaueri | ∅ 120 mm | ⇑ 20 m |
Merostachys retrorsa | ⇑ 2,5 m | |
Myriocladus distantiflorus | ⇑ 5 m | |
Neurolepis angusta | ∅ 10 mm | ⇑ 9 m |
Rhipidocladum racemiflorum | ∅ 10 mm | ⇑ 15 m |
Rhipidocladum sibilans | ∅ 15 mm | ⇑ 8 m |
Source: INBAR
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