Bamboo Species of Honduras
6 genera, 11 species
From the 11 native woody bamboo species occurring in Honduras, only 4, besides several Asiatic ones, have economic potential. Otatea fimbriata, Guadua amplexifolia, Guadua aculeata and Guadua paniculata are the native bamboos that can be promoted as useful in environmental protection and in economic activities.
At present, Guadua aculeata grows wild at the western end of Cordillera de Nombre de Dios at 700-900m elevation, and probably also in the Lancetilla valley. Guadua amplexifolia occurs in the departments of Cortez and Comayagua at 200-700m elevation. Guadua paniculata is the most widespread Guadua species in the Honduras; it is found along riverbanks between Guatemala and Honduras border, and in the departments of El Paraiso, Olancho and Cortez at elevations of 300-600m.
During the height of banana production, the United Fruit Company made in Lancetilla and extensive experimental planting of native and introduced bamboos for trial as banana props. About 61% of the exotic bamboos species occurring in Central America are growing in this Experimental Station. Guadua was an important resource for the company. Natural populations of the genus have now diminished by over-harvesting.
Native Bamboo Species of Honduras
Species | Diameter | Height |
Arthrostylidium excelsum | ∅ 3 mm | ⇑ 5 m |
Aulonemia clarkiae | ∅ 16 mm | ⇑ 8 m |
Chusquea deflexa | ∅ 8 mm | ⇑ 2 m |
Chusquea lanceolata | ∅ 20 mm | ⇑ 8 m |
Guadua amplexifolia | ∅ 100 mm | ⇑ 15 m |
Guadua aculeata | ∅ 200 mm | ⇑ 30 m |
Guadua macclurei | ∅ 40 mm | ⇑ 15 m |
Guadua paniculata | ∅ 70 mm | ⇑ 10 m |
Otatea fimbriata | ||
Rhipidocladum pittieri | ∅ 10 mm | ⇑ 10 m |
Rhipidocladum racemiflorum | ∅ 10 mm | ⇑ 15 m |
Source: INBAR
I currently have invested in El Salvador in softwoods, but want to diversify into bamboo plantations, so what's the best place/country to invest, grow and process Guadua bamboo; Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua or Costa Rica?