Bamboo Provides and Endless Supply of Timber
Bamboo is a sustainable and renewable resource as it continuously spreads vegetatively. A bamboo forest will therefore develop much faster than tree forests.
In commercial forestry, trees have to be cut down and replanted. In bamboo plantations, only mature stems are selected for harvest while younger stems are left untouched to further mature and develop.

Approximately 20% of the total plantation inventory can be harvested every year without damaging the plant or its productivity. The underground root system remains in place which holds nutrients for growing new culms. In facts, selective harvesting actually helps to keep the bamboo forest healthy and highly productive.
Depending on the species, diameter, and final use, bamboo culms in a fully developed bamboo forest can be harvested at the age of 2-5 years. Hardwoods like oak take at least 40 years to mature.
If you plant bamboo today, in 7-10 years you could have high quality harvestable timber, and every year after for the rest of your life.

Guadua Bamboo SAS