Bamboo is a Highly Effective Carbon Sink
Air Pollution
Bamboo plants absorbs enormous amounts of greenhouse gases, and because of its rapid growth, bamboo is very useful as a tool for carbon sequestration.
When a single bamboo seedling is planted it will convert into a clump. In case of giant tropical bamboo, one newly planted bamboo plant can sequester 2 tons of carbon dioxide in just 7 years. In comparison, a typical hardwood tree will sequester 1 ton of carbon dioxide in 40 years. When compared to pine, bamboo can absorb up to 5 times more CO2.
If 10 million hectares of bamboo would be planted on degraded land throughout the world, then it is estimated that bamboo plants and their products could save more than 7 gigatons of carbon dioxide in 30 years. That is more than what 300 million electric cars could save in the same period of time.

Guadua Bamboo SAS