Bambusa glaucophylla
Bambusa glaucophylla or "Malay Dwarf Variegated Bamboo" is a very dense clumping bamboo native to Java, Indonesia. It has beautiful green leaves with white stripes, and is one of the best bamboos for hedges and living fences. Bambusa glaucophylla is also a very attractive ornamental plant, especially highlighted in the garden by plants with darker foliage in the background. This bamboo is very easily to trim and is drought tolerant once established.

Bambusa textilis
Bambusa textilis, also known as "Weaver’s Bamboo", is a species of bamboo native to China and Vietnam. It grows in a dense clump up to 8 - 12 meters high and has no lower branches. Bambusa textilis is very suitable for living fences or windbreaks. The stems are often used for weaving, basketry or light construction.

Bambusa chungii
Bambusa chungii, also known as "Tropical Blue Bamboo" or "Emperor's Blue Bamboo", is a species of bamboo native to China and Vietnam. It grows in a dense clump up to 8 to 12 meters high and has no low branches. Bambusa chungii is very suitable for living fences or windbreaks. The stems with very long internodes are often used for weaving and basketry or for paper production.

Bambusa tulda
Bambusa tulda, commonly known as Bengal Bamboo or Indian Timber Bamboo, is a fast growing medium-sized tropical clumping bamboo native to the Indian subcontinent, Indochina, Tibet, and Yunnan.

Bambusa sp. Longinternode
Bambusa sp. Longinternode is a medium sized tropical bamboo native to China. It typically has long internodes (space between the culm nodes) and nearly solid culms at the base. The abbreviation "sp." means that the actual species name is not yet specified.

Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata'
Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata' or Painted Bamboo, (previously known as Bambusa vulgaris 'Striata') is a giant tropical and subtropical clumping bamboo native to China and Japan. It is one of the most cultivated ornamental bamboos in the tropical world.

Bambusa vulgaris 'Wamin'
Bambusa vulgaris 'Wamin' or Dwarf Buddha Belly Bamboo is a tropical and subtropical clumping bamboo native to South China.

Bambusa vulgaris
Bambusa vulgaris or Common Bamboo is a giant tropical and subtropical clumping bamboo native to southern China and Madagascar. This species is cultivated extensively in many parts of the world.

Bambusa polymorpha
Bambusa polymorpha, commonly known as Burmese Bamboo, is a large dense clumping tropical bamboo native to Bangladesh, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand. It is a bamboo of many uses with sweet tasting edible shoots.

Bambusa lako
Bambusa lako also known as Timor Black Bamboo, is a species of tropical dense clumping bamboo native to Indonesia. This bamboo is easily recognised by its striking shiny black culms.

Bambusa burmanica
Bambusa burmanica also known as Burmese Weavers Bamboo is a medium-sized tropical and subtropical clumping bamboo originating from Burma and Thailand. This bamboo is used in construction and basket making.

Bambusa blumeana
Bambusa blumeana, also known as Spiny Bamboo or Thorny Bamboo, is a tropical clumping bamboo native to Indonesia and Malaysia. Shoots from this bamboo species are edible and consumed as a vegetable.

Bambusa bambos
Bambusa bambos also known as Giant Thorny Bamboo or Indian Thorny Bamboo, is a species of tropical dense clumping bamboo native to Southeast Asia. This bamboo species was previously named Bambusa arundinacea and is often used for construction purposes.

Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa balcooa also known as Female Bamboo is a tropical clumping bamboo originating from Northeast India. This bamboo species is often used as a food source, in scaffolding, for paper pulp or wood chips.