Phyllostachys aurea
Bamboo Species Stéphane Schröder Bamboo Species Stéphane Schröder

Phyllostachys aurea

Phyllostachys aurea or "Golden Bamboo", is a bamboo species native to China and Vietnam. It is a graceful bamboo producing large clumps of bright green canes becoming yellowish with age and exposure. The culms are easily identified by their characteristic compressed internodes in the lower part of the canes which have a tortoiseshell-like appearance.

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Phyllostachys edulis
Bamboo Species Stéphane Schröder Bamboo Species Stéphane Schröder

Phyllostachys edulis

Phyllostachys edulis, commonly known as Moso Bamboo, or Tortoise-shell Bamboo, is a temperate species of giant timber bamboo native to China and Taiwan. It is the largest temperate bamboo on earth and the most economically important bamboo in China.

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Bamboo Genera Stéphane Schröder Bamboo Genera Stéphane Schröder


Phyllostachys comes from 'phyllon', meaning leaf, and 'stachys', meaning spike. In China, where this bamboo grows native, it is also called Gangzhu Shu, meaning firm bamboo genus.

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