Guadua angustifolia
Guadua angustifolia ‘Kunth’ is a tropical species of giant timber bamboo native to South America. It is considered to be the strongest bamboo in the world, and also the 3rd largest. Guadua bamboo is by far the most important bamboo in America.

Environmental Impact of Guadua Bamboo
Bamboo forests have many environmental benefits because they function as carbon sinks, produce oxygen, control soil erosion, provide organic matter, regulate water levels in watersheds and conserve biodiversity.

Guadua Bamboo Growing Habits
In order to analyze annual stem production and yield projections for a bamboo plantation, it is important to understand how bamboo grows. Since bamboo is a type of grass, the growth and formation of a bamboo forest or plantation is very different than that of trees.

Guadua Bamboo Soil Requirements
Choosing the optimal soil to grow Guadua bamboo is one of the most important determinants for success or failure of a commercial Guadua bamboo plantation.

Guadua Bamboo Climate Requirements
Optimal climate conditions to grow Guadua bamboo together with soil properties will determine to a large extent whether the development of a commercial bamboo plantation will be successful or not.

Guadua Bamboo vs Teak Plantations
Teak plantations vs Guadua bamboo plantations, which of the two is the best and safest investment if it comes to reforestation and tree farming in the tropics?

Bamboo Investment Scams Exposed!
Thinking about investing in bamboo plantations? Great, but after reading this article about bamboo investment scams and lease plans you might want to re-think your options...

Comparing Mechanical Properties of Bamboo: Guadua vs Moso
In 2010, the Larenstein University in The Netherlands performed an interesting study comparing mechanical properties of bamboo. Guadua and Moso, which are the best and most common bamboos for industrial processing, were used in this research report.