How to Split Bamboo Poles
Working with Bamboo Stéphane Schröder Working with Bamboo Stéphane Schröder

How to Split Bamboo Poles

Splitting bamboo poles, is another basic technique when working with bamboo. Split bamboo is often used in bamboo fences, wall decoration, furniture, etc. The applications are endless and it basically all depends on your own creativity.

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How to Bend Bamboo Poles
Working with Bamboo Stéphane Schröder Working with Bamboo Stéphane Schröder

How to Bend Bamboo Poles

Bending bamboo, isn't that difficult. In case of freshly cut, green bamboo you could even dry bamboo in a mold to adjust the shape, or by applying heat. However, once dry, bamboo cannot be bend anymore (in a permanent lasting shape that is), unless you apply a special technique that we explain in this article!

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