Guadua Bamboo

Experts in the World's Strongest Bamboo

Since 2007

Guadua Bamboo is specialized in the largest, strongest and most economically important bamboo of the Americas: Guadua angustifolia. Guadua bamboo is used in all sorts of building applications and is considered to be the strongest bamboo in the world. In South America it is widely used in construction or engineered laminated panels.

We grow bamboo plants for national and international plantation projects, harvest and process bamboo poles for building applications, and promote bamboo reforestation to provide socio-economic benefits for local communities in Colombia.

Some of our International Projects…

Our Products

As a producer and exporter of top quality Guadua bamboo products around the world, we have the experience to supply bamboo for small and large-scale projects alike. 

Buy bamboo in bulk from our production facilities in Colombia or order from our Masters of Bamboo warehouse in Europe. Whether you need a small sample or full container loads, you can rest assured that you get the highest quality products at the most competitive prices on the market today.


 Global Network 

Buy directly from our distributors or order in bulk from our facilities in Colombia.

 Bamboo Information

Many blogs and websites publish incorrect or biased information about bamboo. Although mostly well intended, inexperienced bamboo enthusiasts often make the mistake to oversimplify bamboo's growing patterns, biomass generation, strength properties, its uses, etc. Saying that bamboo is stronger than steel, that it will grow over 1 meter per day, and that bamboo has 1500 different uses is misleading.

The truth is that every particular bamboo species has different characteristics and qualities. Some bamboos grow very fast some grow slower, some bamboo shoots are used as a food source while most are actually poisonous, some are used in construction or paper production, while others are just ornamental or to control erosion. Therefore, it is crucial to select the proper species according to your objectives.

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Adopt a Bamboo

A New Approach to Reforestation!

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Contact us

Hacienda Guadua Bamboo

Bajo Sabaletas, Dagua, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.

Phone / Whatsapp
+57 316 657-1547